Wilkie Collins lived at 82 Wimpole Street from early 1888 after leaving his former house at 90 Gloucester Place. Wimpole Street is in central London's Harley Street area on the Howard de Walden Estate and the archivist, Richard Bowden, recently unearthed the Estate's documents on Wilkie's last home. The house today is unlike its immediate neighbours, having been completely rebuilt during the 1920s. The original appearance can be seen in a photograph illustrating Arthur Compton-Rickett's article 'Wilkie Collins' on pp. 107-122 of The Bookman of June 1912. 82 Wimpole street as it appeared in Collins's time and until 1926.
The earliest document from the archives is dated 15 March 1850 and refers to the existing lease to a Mr Thomas Huddle due to expire on Lady Day 1854. The new lease will be granted to Mr Thomas Burn by His Grace the Duke of Portland for a period of 36 years at an annual rent of £50 for a payment or 'fine' of £247. The next document brings us towards the period of Collins's occupation and is dated 5 October 1886. It represents a new lease for a further 36 years, this time granted by the Trustees of the will of William Henry Cavendish Scott, Fourth Duke of Portland to 'Joseph Walker, Esqre M.D. of 22 Grosvenor Street, W.' for a rent of £80. Walker is "forthwith to insure the premises" for not less than £1,200 and to pay a fine of £500. The lease also details extensive works to the house which must include thorough repairs to the roof, windows and basement, relaying the floors and drains; and making good brickwork and the first floor balcony and verandah. Lease granted to Joseph Walker Collins is not mentioned
by name in the lease but we can assume that the house was in excellent order by
the time he moved in as a sub-tenant during February or March 1888.
In a letter of 22 December 1887 he had written "I have taken refuge
in the upper floors of 82. The final document in the archives is dated 26 July 1922 on behalf of The Right Honourable Thomas Evelyn Baron Howard de Walden and Seaford and grants a new lease to A. H. Michell Esq. to commence on 6 April 1926. The rent will be £25 for the first twelve months and £70 thereafter. The document also includes a complete Particulars of Works "To pull down the whole of the existing buildings on the site", defining precisely the nature of the materials to be used in rebuilding the house, "The works are to be completed by 6 April 1927." [ Back to Front Page ] [ Collins Main Homes ]
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